I would like my blog to be something more professional, as part of a website that I could use to show what I can do and what I think. I also think it would be a good way to share progress on any personal projects I am currently working on. As I am starting development on an indie game, I feel the need to post about this.
The general purpose of this post is to lay out my plans for this blog's expansion.
First of all, I decided to talk about more stuff here, and I decided to split those ideas in the following categories.
About Me
Basic page. Simply to explain my general background, what I can do and what I like.
Personal Projects
This would contain general information about the projects I'm working on.
General Thoughts
Any random thoughts about life in general. Like the idea of expanding my blog or my take on any controversial subject.
Event Reports
This is what I have been doing the most up to now. I generally like to attend events. I have been to events like Fantasia, Otakuthon, Fan Expo, MIGS. I think it would be a good idea to create a post after each day for events I attend.
Video Games
Video games being my main hobby, I would like to write about it here. I decided to write a review post whenever I finish a game. I think it is better to wait until I have completed a game to write the review, because it would allow me to cover the whole game.
I have already thought about the contents I want to cover when reviewing games:
Story : The general appreciation for the game's story and characters.
Gameplay : The general appreciation for the game's gameplay
Content : This is about the amount of content in the game. Most reviews generally talk about replay value, but I tend to think that some games have a lot of content for a single playthrough.
Presentation : By presentation I mean the visuals of the game like graphics or style, and the sound and music.
Polish : The amount of perfectionism in the game as it is. For example, a game like Final Fantasy would get a high score for polish because the game feels complete, while Fallout would get a low score, because of the high amount of bugs in the game.
I have done this a bit because of my coverage for Fantasia 2010. Like the video games reviews I think I could create divisions but I will probably do this on the fly for each movie. If I ever find that I could create general divisions I will probably do it.
Progress in my personal projects
I would like to be able to post whenever I have made significant progress in any project, to share what I have done.
What next?
I have tried to make those divisions this morning using blogspot, and I wasn't able to get what I wanted. I am currently thinking about switching to another platform to be able to format this website like I really want it to be.
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